Our Story
Let me tell you OUR STORY or how the DOR of something good leads you to the Extraordinary

When you say DOR, you suddenly remember the most beautiful moments of your life. And then you start missing the sea, the sunrises, a dear friend or the quality time spent by yourself. You miss being happy, playing, laughing, you miss tasting the best of what life has to offer. You miss your grandparents, your parents or the taste of childhood.
DOR is the most beautiful word, the sweetest feeling. With no translation available in other languages and hard to be described by words. DOR is not a statement of love, but one of courage. And we've got the courage to promise and offer you moments that you will want to relive, tastes that you will wish to rediscover, flavours that you will want to retry again and again.
Moreover, we also miss the Delicious dishes that taste like childhood; we miss the old time fruits and vegetables – flavoured, Organic, picked up straight from the garden; and least but not last, we miss the traditional Romanian dishes that we grew up with and we are proud with all over the world. We miss and we are DOR – Delicious, Organic, Romanian.
“Nu vei ști niciodată ceea ce ești capabil să faci până nu încerci!” Acesta este gândul cu care am plecat la drum când am pus pe picioare D.O.R.
We wished for great wines, compatible with the dishes that we serve, so we looked up for one of the best sommeliers in the country: Ionuț Andrieș. One of the winners of Maître d’Hotel – „Marian Bugan” Trophee and “Sommellerie’s Trophee – The best Romanian Sommelier 2018”, Ionuț combines our chef’s creations with that one, perfect wine, suited to our guests’ personalities

DOR is the place where you can find both your grandma's larder and the Parisian fine cuisine. So let us take you on a journey to rediscovering the Delicious, Organic, Romanian taste.
This is our story. If you are curious of yours click here.